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I am attempting a garden for the first time, and am unsure of the best spot to plan it. Our house blocks much of the sun in our yard, so the best spot is at the bottom of a small slope where the water runoff passes, leaving the ground almost always saturated and soft. I planned on building a bit of a raised bed. Is this a good spot to plan my gaedrn or not? I watched a few videos online and one said it would be a good spot, but I wanted to be sure.Thanks in advance!
Hi — I am only a beginner gardener, but your spot sounds like it would work to me — especially since it’s in the sun and gets water.
I don’t know about any plans, but I built some elevated beds by taknig a piece of 5/8 treated plywood and building a stand for it out of 4 4 s. The stand has to be pretty stout, it will be holding a lot of weight. Build the frame first then set it on the legs, It has six legs. I have a full frame around the outside with two cross pieces evenly spaced from end to end. I cut sides and ends out of another piece of plywood 16 tall and then attached them to the floor by running a 2 2 around the edge , set back far enough so that the outside of the sides and ends are even with the edge of the floor. I ran another wall across four feet from each end and stiffened that with 2 4 s. I used screws throughout that are rated for use in treated lumber.I have three of the beds that are three years old and still going great. Don’t forget to drill holes in the floor for drainage.