It’s often said that the kitchen is the heart of the home, but unfortunately for many moms, the kitchen is often the central point for something unwanted – piles of clutter. So, I am always searching for new tips on kitchen organization!
My kitchen tends to accumulate a lot of clutter, too. My kids like to do their homework on the kitchen table (even though there’s a desk for them upstairs), so we often have to take the time before dinner to clear off homework, pencils, books, etc.
The kitchen table is also where I tend to leave the mail for my spouse to see when he comes home, so junk mail and newspapers tend to pile up there, too.
Fridge Clutter
Before kids, my husband and I never used to post things on the fridge, as we were told when we bought the appliance that magnets could mar the appliance’s finish. But now, since kids, the fridge is usually where we post school menus, permission slips that need to be signed and stellar spelling and math test results.
Needless to say, my kitchen often looks like a mess!
Clearing the Clutter
I haven’t been able to get my kids to study upstairs (I think they prefer to be near me, as I am often getting dinner ready while they study), but I have cleared off a shelf in our home’s upstairs hallway on which to put recent newspapers, catalogs and other mail.
I’ve also found two nifty refrigerator organizers from Mead at Target. One is a dry-erase calendar, on which I can keep track of my family’s activities, and the other is a magnetic plastic sleeve organizer in which I can put school menus, forms about upcoming school events, etc. Since I’ve been using those fridge organizers, the outside of my fridge looks a lot neater (but the inside of my fridge is still another story).
I was thinking of adding more organizers to the fridge, like perhaps bins in which to put incoming mail, so I can leave the mail there (and not on the kitchen table) for my spouse.
I like this idea I found on Pinterest, which combines a place to put kids’ school papers with an area to store homework supplies. I also like the addition of frames to give a better appearance to the photos and artwork that often land on the fridge:
Meanwhile, Small Fry & Co. shows how to covert a cereal box into a organizing bins for mail and bills — this is something I plan to try myself:
Have any tips on how to keep clutter to a minimum in the kitchen? Please share them in the comments.
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I’d say if you can, create a space for HW and school assignments outside of the kitchen area – like an entryway or foyer or dedicate a part of your kitchen for a sort of mobile office. You can get a file organizer and put the kids name in each file folder. Assign them their own folder to drop their school assignments, permission slips etc.
Let me know what you think and I’ll elaborate via email. Or message me via my FB.
Visiting from #sitssharefest
Keep it Touched,
Thanks, KG! My kids like doing their homework in the kitchen to be near me. 🙂 But they are thinking of getting their own rooms soon (they like sharing at the moment – they are twins), and when they do, I think they want to have their own desks in their rooms to do their homework on.
Wow I like the cereal box idea! I will have to try that out myself!!! Neat!
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