I live on a cul-de-sac where all 11 of the homes were built by the same builder. While our homes are great for the most part, our houses seem to share the same flaws, minor problems for which it can be quite difficult to find a handyman who’s willing to do the small job.
So, when recent winds took off a long piece of metal at the peaks of our home’s roofs, none of us were sure how to get it fixed. Our homes all are two stories high and are quite tall at the roofs’ peaks, so the fix, while minor, is a bit tricky.
So, I recently called my handyman, and scheduled him to come out and fix my home’s roof and two of my neighbors’ roofs on the same day. It worked out great, because by adding all our jobs together, it made it more worthwhile for my handyman to do the job, and because by lumping them all into one day’s work, we got a discount on the repairs. The cost of each of us for the repair just ran us each a little over $100.
If all goes well (the handyman is making the fixes while I write this), I am sure my neighbors and I will collaborate more on the small fixes we need done around our houses. It’s a great budget way to get a job done!
Ok I live in n.w. FL just got a new roof (due to Ivan) in 05.If you can afford it get one of the new metal sghline type ( it looks like an asphault sghline, but it’s light weight aluminum, comes in different styles and colors someone on our block has one WOW )We on the other hand, couldn’t get a roofer to call us back so we got the new’ demensional, asphault sghlines (50 yr Corning). I talked 3/4 of the block into getting the same thing and they did.The roof looks like a million bucks. You can’t hear the rain, it doesn’t flap in the wind..(make sure they use -6- nails in each sghline, FL code also they have to -glue- down the last course and have ridge vents glued too, as well as nailed).One of my neighobrs went with the old flat sghlines well, they don’t like the way it looks and it’s not gonna last (our house is 12 yrs old this yr 25 yr roof lasted 10 yrs, due to hurricanes and general FL weather, it went bye-bye these sghlines are HEAVY).You’re gonna wanna watch the roofers (like anything else )