Thanks to for sponsoring this post. I received an artificial Christmas tree in exchange for my honest product review and opinion.
Welcome to the second day of the “Christmas in Small Spaces 2017 Blog Hop.” Five other bloggers and I will be sharing how we decorated a small space for Christmas using faux Christmas trees and other products from
For my tree this year, I opted to make some homemade elements for my tree. I can’t wait to share my new Treetopia Christmas tree with you tomorrow!
You may remember that last year I participated in the Treetopia White Tree Mystery Blog Hop. For the hop, I decorated their Skim Milk White Pencil Tree in a snowman theme. Decorating that tree was a lot of fun!
Meanwhile, visit TriedandTrueBlog and today to see two small spaces decorated for the holidays! Don’t forget to see how I decorated my small space for Christmas on Wednesday!
One more day, I can’t wait! I have a friend who loves snowmen, so she would love a snowman tree!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom recently posted…How to Take Care of Your Busy Feet this Fall