MomHomeGuide has been live for just over three months now, and we are about to try something new!
When you visit MomHomeGuide in the next few days, we will have a new appearance, thanks to Kimberly of Kimberly Johnson Public Relations.
We’ve been making do with this design for a while, which I, a writer/editor, and not a webpage designer, designed myself, so I am really looking forward to rolling out the new look!
When you do see the new design, let me know what you think! I can’t wait to show it off!
Until then, I hope everyone has a great weekend! — Lauren
In early spring, I trannplanted 3 wild roses from my road to my garden. Most of their leaves fell off, the plant looked unwatered, dead, but I took good care of it and it made a great recovery, all the leaves are finally back. I took 12 more wild roses and made their own flower bed for them. Most of the leaves are already crackly, and falling off. I trannplasted them about 2 weeks ago. I suspect that most of the leaves will probably fall off anyway, and I think 2 of the wild roses might die, because almost all of their leaves are fallen. Some new leaves are finally starting to grow, and they are a nice green color. I know they won’t bloom this year, but next year, when, and for long will they bloom? They are about a foot to 2 feet tall, and the ones on the road have been blooming for about a month, but there aren’t very many blooms because nobody dead heads or trims them. Thanks:) And one last thing, I have sweet peas, and are about 5-8 inches tall. When will they bloom? Thanks.
Hi –thanks for your comment. It depends on your location and the the type of roses for when they will bloom. But they should be blooming now. How are your peas doing? We don’t have peas yet, but there are pods on some of our pea plants.