About a year ago, I created a study area in our large upstairs hallway for my two daughters. We used to have a large office desk in that area, but since getting our laptop, we didn’t use it much. Plus, the desk was so big, that my daughters had to walk a big circle around it at night to get from their shared bedroom to the bathroom. The desk was just way too big!
So, I took that big behemoth desk apart and stored it in the basement. I brought up some items from the basement (I swear our basement has just about everything stored in it): a large folding table, an office lamp and two office chairs.
The transformation worked for a while, and my kids enjoyed their new desk. But after a while, they reverted to doing their homework on the kitchen table again. The kitchen is sunny and bright in the afternoon, and my kids seem to like to be where I am when they come home from school.
So, I started to wonder what else I should do with that hallway space. Plus, the desk has become such a mess! My kids just pile all of their stuff on it – so much so that the desk is barely visible underneath all their things!
New Study Area
So now, I have a new plan in place. I recently purchased my girls each a large beanbag chair from Lillian Vernon. One daughter chose a soft and fluffy lavender beanbag chair, while the other daughter chose the same style beanbag chair, but in pink. I figure that the girls can use the new study and beanbag space as a reading area (they both have 20 minutes of reading time nightly for their homework), and can also use the hallway as a relaxing space to use their Kindles (Kindle Fire HD 7″, Dolby Audio, Dual-Band Wi-Fi, 16 GB – Includes Special Offers).
I figure I can add their toy chests to the study area as a place to store their things (I have been wanting to get the toy chests out of the living room for a long time), and a lamp to better light up the space.
Owl Mural
To add some color to the now drab space (with its white walls and beige carpeting), my daughters and I have chosen a spring green for the walls and an owl mural (RoomMates RMK1439SLM Scroll Tree Peel & Stick Wall Decal MegaPack) to put on the walls. Now, I have some work to do! I have to empty and carry up the toy chests, paint the walls in the new study space and add the mural! I’ll show you the results when I am done!
I shared my plans at the Sundae Scoop Link Pary. Check it out!
I love that mural – my BFF has it in your babies nursery and it is the cutest! Those bean bags are pretty awesome too! 🙂
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