Since having kids, my clothing style has morphed into what is definitely recognizable as “mommy fashion.” In my closet, you’ll find a few pair of dependable, but not exactly fashionable “mommy jeans,” as well as sweatshirts and sweatpants that I can throw on when I want to feel comfortable or don’t want to worry about what I am wearing. Now, a good deal of my “fashion” choice (if you could call it that) is caused by my non-skinny waistline. While I once had an enviable physique and ran at least three miles a day, now that I have kids, I am lucky if I get in any exercise in at all. So, Continue reading... is on Facebook is now on Facebook! Like our page to get the latest posts, add your comments or to just say hello. We're looking forward to hearing from you! Continue reading...
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Welcome to, a new website for moms on creating a fun, organized home for you and your kids. Check back in coming weeks for posts on what to look for when purchasing a home for a family, designing, decorating and furnishing a home to raise children in and reviews on products that help turn a house into a home and make a mom's job easier. We are looking forward to sharing with you! Continue reading...