This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and YesVideo. I received the featured service free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.”
For years, my husband and I have been meaning to transfer the family videos of our twin girls from our old cassette tapes to DVDs so we can enjoy watching my kids’ baby videos. My husband gave me a video camera for my birthday a few months after my twins were born, and I used it to video many family memories. The camera had all the bells and whistles at the time, but it is now about 10 years old and has been replaced with a newer video camera. Sadly, we still have a stack of cassettes that haven’t been watched and need to be transferred to DVDs!
Easy Video Transfer to DVD
So I was thrilled when I recently transferred three of the old video cassette tapes using YesVideo. My kids and I can now watch lots of footage of precious memories! The videos made me remember special times, and helped me to recall some precious moments that I have even forgotten about! (Not hard since most of the videos were made more than 10 years ago!) What’s even better is that YesVideo is giving me a $50 YesVideo to give to one of Mom Home Guide’s readers! Enter the giveaway below!
Not only did I receive the DVDs, but with my YesVideo account, I can log in and watch snippets of my videos online, and even share them via email or Facebook with family and friends! Some of my favorite memories from my family DVDs include:
– Watching my twins play together when they were just babies. It was fun to see how they interacted and how they picked up on what each other was doing – they had their own level of understanding each other, and could understand each other in ways that my husband and I couldn’t!
– Reliving past holiday and birthday memories. Now that so many years have past, it’s hard to believe that my kids were so small!
– I love the way that one of my daughters in almost every video would crawl up to me with a BIG grin on her face, reach up, and with her hand over the camera lens, try to take the video camera! LOL Then you would hear me say, “Don’t take Mommy’s camera!
– Watching my kids pop bubbles as my husband blew hundreds of them over our family room carpet. Which made me wonder, why did we blow bubbles over our family room carpet? I don’t think I would do that today! But then again, we were fine back then with having TONS of toys spread out all over our family room!
– Watching the joy of my kids as my husband flew a mini toy helicopter through our home. My kids were so excited!
The process of using YesVideo was so easy, that I will be sending more videos in to be transferred to DVD soon.
Family Video Tips
Since receiving my DVDs, I’ve discovered some things I could have done differently when originally recording my family videos to make things easier, so I thought I’d share them with you!
1) Transfer Early: If your family videos are saved on an older technology (like cassette tapes) get them transferred as early as possible. It’s harder to organize them and get them in chronological order if there are so many videos to work with!
2) Clearly Label Each Video: Use a consistent system when labeling or naming each video – preferabl including the date it was recorded. Again, this will make it easier in the long run to figure out what the video contains!
3) Note the Date or Event in the Video: It’s also helpful to give a visual or audible clue in the video itself to explain to readers what they are watching. In some of my home videos, I am not sure exactly how old my children are, since the videos are from so long ago. But this might not be as much of a problem now that videos can be stored electronically on a computer, where they will have a time stamp on the file. But if you do have old videos that you are waiting to transfer to DVD, make sure you label them before more time goes by!
Interested in finding out more about YesVideo? Check out YesVideo’s Facebook page and their Twitter page!
I really need to do this, too! I hope I win!
Good luck, Lela! There aren’t many entries, so your chances are high! 🙂
I would like to transfer my videos of me playing sports and my birthday parties.
I would love to preserve some of our videos from when we went overseas!