Happy Monday, everyone! For fun, I am doing something new today! I am joining the “TBB Asks” linkup with The Blended Blog. The TBB Asks linkup is run the first Monday of the month, and is a great way to get to know other bloggers and blogs! The Blended Blog is a lifestyle/home/fashion blog started by a group of blogging friends. TBB Asks is all about making new blogging friends, which is always a nice thing!
I’ve been lucky enough to make several blogging friends, the closest of which for me have been Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom and Tee of Beauteeful Living — the three of us had a fun Google Hangout video chat last week, and Carrie and I plan to go to Haven together! I am hoping to meet other bloggers at Haven, too!
Below are my answers to the TBB Asks questions. Be sure to use the linkup below to visit the below blogs and get to know some of the other bloggers, too!
What 3 Colors Remind You Most of Spring?
When I think of spring, I see a lot of green — for the grass, leaves and all the beautiful flower stems. I also see yellow for the daffodils that bloom in my garden, and red for all the tulips I planted in front of my house. I can’t wait until the daffodils and tulips start blooming!
What is the First Thing You’d Add to Your Wardrobe in Spring?
I would love to add a pair of pretty sandals and a spring dress to my wardrobe. I tend to wear very practical clothes, so I could use some more fun items in my closet!
What is the First Wardrobe Item You Ditch in Spring?
In the spring, I look forward to putting away heavy sweaters. I wear a lot of layers in the winter, so it’s very freeing to wear lighter clothing.
Who Mows the Grass Where You Live?

My home’s backyard patio with the schoolyard (and chain link fence) behind it.
My husband mows our lawn. I bought a manual mower a few years ago, but sadly, it doesn’t cut the grass very well. I am accident prone, so my husband doesn’t trust me around his mower. lol!
What’s Spring Like Where You Live?
It alternates between cold rainy days and warm sunny and spring-like days.
What’s Your favorite Thing about Spring?
I like the spring flowers and working in the garden. I also like that my family can start enjoying more time outside together.
Are you a Spring Cleaner?
I am – but I have so much decluttering and cleaning to do.
Are you a Baseball Fan?
I’m not really a baseball fan, but I like to watch the New York Yankees or the Philadelphia Phillies now and then.
Tulips or Daffodils?
I love them both!
Favorite Outdoor Spring Activity?
I enjoy taking walks in the park with my husband and kids and our new puppy!
Flowers in the Ground or in Pots?
I love the flowers in my garden, but I also like to put plants of potted flowers on my front porch and backyard patio, too.
Favorite Bird?
I love the goldfinches that eat from my bird feeders.
Car Wash or Wash Vehicles at Home?
I usually go to the car wash – I get free car washes at the car dealership where I bought my car.
When Do You Pull Out Your Sandals?
May or June — I’ve had foot surgery in the past, so I’m not one to rush sandal season.
You have so many pretty photos of flowers!! I need to plant more bulbs in my garden this fall! I always forget. I am excited about Haven, it’ll be here before we know it!
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