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Welcome to my “Currently” post. In this monthly post, I share updates on what’s going on in my life.
This summer has been a tough one for me. A yearly mammogram in June turned up what I’ve been told is early stage breast cancer. I have surgery scheduled for later this month. The diagnosis has upended my summer, as well my general usually upbeat outlook — I’m hoping to get my life back on track after the surgery and treatment. Cancer is never a word one wants to hear — I’ve been dealing with a fair amount of worry and anxiety the past few weeks.
I’m lucky that I went for my mammogram — I had one scheduled a month earlier, but couldn’t go because my doctor referral wasn’t sent over in time. I’m grateful that I took the time to schedule another appointment right away.
To calm my nerves and get an understanding of what my treatment will be like, I’ve been reading “The Breast Cancer Survival Manual”. I’ve found the book to be very helpful and informative.
Summer Fun
My husband and twin daughters give me an incredible amount of happiness. So, the past few weeks I’ve been trying to enjoy summer as much as I can with my husband and kids — and to take better care of myself. I’ve been sleeping in more, trying to eat better and have been going on frequent walks. I’ve also been taking trips with my husband and kids, so they can enjoy as much of their summer as possible.
My kids and I have been into getting more fresh fruit and veggies into our diet. We found a wonderful farmer’s market, The Corn Stop, about 30 minutes from our house.
It’s not the closest to our house, but we really love the variety of fresh food that it offers.
We recently bought a variety of fruits and veggies and some peanuts. (I’ve really been into peanuts lately!)
Walking for Fitness and Stress Relief
I’ve been trying to fit in a walk almost every day. While on my walks, I like to snap photos of beautiful plants and flowers — like the below tree stump garden in my neighborhood’s park.
I’ve been appreciating the architecture in my beautiful Victorian hometown. I love this gorgeous doorway that is just a few blocks from my house. Every detail of this doorway is perfect!
I’ve also been hitting the pool with my daughters as much as I can. I like the exercise I can get in the pool (I like to swim laps), and I always have so much fun with my daughters while swimming. Sadly, I won’t be able to swim for the last two weeks the pool club is open this summer because of my surgery. I am hoping that I’ll be able to recuperate enough to at least get my kids in the pool a few times before summer ends.
I might not be able to swim for a few months after my surgery because of my treatment. I’m debating whether I should join a join a nearby gym (one that has a pool — I like to swim laps) or maybe invest in a treadmill so I can keep walking during the winter months. I broke a wrist on ice just over three years ago, so I’m a bit nervous about icy surfaces in the winter months. If you have any tips or advice on whether to join a gym (the one I have my eyes on is a bit far — 20 minutes away) or invest in a treadmill, I’d love to hear them!
Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom is sharing her “Currently” post today, too, so be sure to stop by and say hi!
This post was shared at Party in Your PJGs
Dear Lauren………Please know I am sending love & prayers your way. We serve an Awesome God who is Able to see us through these valleys in this life. May you find His Love & Peace as you travel this road.
Prayers heading up this day…..
I’ve been thinking about you and please know you can text me anytime! That handbook is really helpful. I love farmers markets in the summer! All of that fresh produce looks so good! Have a great week Lauren!
Doused in Pink
Thinking of you, Lauren. So glad you scheduled your apptmt. Please let me know how I can help even if it’s to chat or go for a long walk. I’ll be in touch. Sending you positive thoughts and hugs!
You are going to beat this and come out the other side stronger, Lauren. I know it and have no doubt. Let me know if i can do anything and I would love to go on a long walk with you this fall when you are feeling better and the kids are in school.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis but early detection is key. I’m sending you warm thoughts and healing energy. Cancer sucks!! I’ve heard of the Breast cancer survival manual and I’ve heard that it’s very helpful. The corn stop looks like a fun farmers Market
I am praying for you. Cancer is not a word any of us wants to hear, but it sounds like you are educating yourself and fighting it!
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I wish we had gone to the farmers market more this summer, I really enjoyed the trip to the one we did before the kids had to go back to school. You really can tell a difference in the quality of the produce. You can text me anytime to vent and you’ve been so strong through all of this… cancer is scary, but you are in such good hands!
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Have thought of you almost nonstop since receiving your email yesterday. Glad you found some helpful, informational resources to help you through this difficult time. Keeping busy has also been good. Hope that your surgery is soon behind you and your are well on your way to a full recovery. XO
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