Today Is Leap Day, Feb. 29, which is an extra day added to the month of February to keep the calendar in line with the seasonal or astronomical year. That makes 2012 a Leap Year, in which there are 366 days in the year instead of the usual 365.
Leap Years happen in most years that are divisible by 4 (but not those that are evenly divisible by 100 – however, years that can be evenly divided by 400 are Leap Years).
So, the next Leap Year will be 2016. The odds of being born on a Leap Day is 1 in 1,461.
Those who were born on a Leap Day aren’t the only ones who’ll be celebrating this special day. The Philadelphia Zoo will mark the day with by celebrating everything frog – there will be fun frog games for kids, and informational events about these amphibians. Meanwhile, Disneyland and Disney World’s Magic Kingdom opened at 6 a.m. today and will stay open through 6 a.m. tomorrow, for 24 hours of Disney, with special events and celebrations.
Throw Your Own Leap Year Party
Looking to create your own Leap Day celebration? offers a list of fun things you can do with your family to celebrate the day, like creating your own origami frogs (I plan to try that one) and delivering homemade paper frogs to friends and neighbors. (We might try that one, too – we “booed” our neighbors and left “boograms” with special Halloween treats on the doorsteps of our neighbors last year, with great success. The kids had a lot of fun!)
CentralJerseyWorkingMoms blog suggests making the day a special one by doing something memorable like picking up the phone and calling someone instead of texting or emailing him or her, or for a surprising change for your kids, letting them have ice cream for dinner – just this once!
Have any special Leap Day family activities planned? Please share them in the comments.
Great Leap Day ideas! Thanks for mentioning Anna’s blog post on! Who knew there was so much to do on this extra day!
There is a lot to do! I better get started on those origami frogs before my kids get home!
thanks so much for sharing and hope you had a great Leap Day!