Happy Sunday! I can’t believe that Halloween and the end of October are almost here! This past weekend, I took some time to get some spring bulbs planted.
Spring Bulbs in Planters

Earlier this month, Longfield Gardens had a sale, so I purchased 100 tulip bulbs, 100 daffodil bulbs and 50 crocus corns in bulk. Yesterday, I decided to start planting them! That day, I nestled about half of the tulip and daffodils and all the crocus corns in 11 planters. Today, I hope to plant the rest in my front yard gardening bed. As you see in the below photo, the tulip and daffodil bulbs came in helpful drawstring bags that I might be able to reuse for another purpose, and the bulbs were also accompanied by helpful instructions.

For my planters, I used the lasagna method that I recently spotted on YouTube and TikTok. I planted the tulips on the bottom, then the daffodils, and then the crocus. Since squirrels in the past have eaten all my crocus corns, I also placed some chicken wire top of my planters, followed by some more potting soil. I had a handful of mums, so I added them to a few of the pots and topped each planter with a layer of leaves to help insulate it all. This is the first time I’ve put spring bulbs in planters—I normally place them straight into a gardening bed. I hope I will get plenty of flowers next spring! If you’ve ever planted spring bulbs in planters, I’d love to hear how it went for you—please share in the comments!

It took my longer to plant my spring bulbs because my Shih Tzu pup wanted all my attention while I was trying to plant! So I had to throw some tennis balls for him in between planting each pot. Sweet boy! I love that little pup!

I am hoping to make planting flower bulbs or seeds my thing—it’s an inexpensive way to garden. This past summer, I was finally able to grow some sunflowers by using collars that I made out of plastic containers to protect the seedlings from bugs—earwigs ate my first two plantings this past summer! (You can see one of those plastic containers in the above photo. I put those and my leftover pots in my shed after my lasagna planting task was complete.)

I also planted some zinnias over the summer, and had to do the same thing with the plastic containers to protect my seedlings. I would love to have a HUGE zinnia patch next summer! I think zinnias and sunflowers are SO COOL – for just the cost of a few packets of seeds, I can get so many amazing flowers! They truly make me happy.

I may start browsing websites like Johnny’s Selected Seeds to get my sunflower and zinnia seeds and order them early. I have also collected seeds from my zinnias, sunflowers, and cornflowers for next year. I think I will spend much of the winter planning next summer’s garden!
I’ve never tried planting bulbs in a pot before! I should try that, I have some bulbs leftover after planting them around my mailbox. Mochi is your little helper!!
Hi, Carrie! I hope you get to plant those bulbs!