With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, I wanted to hang a St.Patrick’s Day-themed flag in my garden. But I am always surprised at how much those tiny garden flags cost. For instance, a Leprehaun hat garden flag runs about $12 at Amazon.com.

I sewed seams on the sides and bottom of the flag, before adding a large pocket from which to hang the flag.
So, using the leftover fabric from the leprechaun window valences that I sewed, I created a St. Patrick’s day garden flag for my garden this morning. First, I pinned and sewed about .25-inch seams on each side and on the botton of the flag so I wouldn’t have any frayed edges. Then, I pinned a two-inch seam on the top of the flag and sewed that, to create a pocked along the top of the flag so I could hang it from my garden’s flag stand.
The flag is very simple, but it took only about 20 minutes to create, didn’t cost me anything extra, and I didn’t have to go out shopping to find one!
I am thinking that from now on, I might make all the flags for my garden — it can be quite fun, and I am hoping to get quite creative. I’ll have to keep you updated on my projects!
If you have any ideas on how to craft a homemade garden flag, or have any projects you’d like to share, please share them in the comments.
Cool idea Lauren. I think I have enough sewing experience to pull off a flag. I get so annoyed buying those for each holiday. They typically only last a season due to fading and weather wear and tear. It seems like such a waste. I think you have inspired me to give it a try.
You should go for it! For my most recent holiday flag, I spent less than $3, and even had spare fabric to make two small pillows for the kids’ beds! One doesn’t even have to sew to make a flag — the pocket for the flag rod could even be made by using a product like Stitch Witchery tape.