With St. Patrick’s Day nearing, I’m getting ready to get out some emerald green decor! My first step will be to hang my handcrafted St. Patrick’s Day garden flag, which was quite simple to make. To learn how to craft your own St. Patrick’s Day garden flag, read more in this below tutorial, which I posted last year.
With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, I wanted to hang a St.Patrick’s Day-themed flag in my garden. But I am always surprised at how much those tiny garden flags cost. For instance, a Leprehaun hat garden flag runs about $12 at Amazon.com.

I sewed seams on the sides and bottom of the flag, before adding a large pocket from which to hang the flag.
So, using the leftover fabric from the leprechaun window valences that I sewed, I created a St. Patrick’s day garden flag for my garden this morning. First, I pinned and sewed about .25-inch seams on each side and on the botton of the flag so I wouldn’t have any frayed edges. Then, I pinned a two-inch seam on the top of the flag and sewed that, to create a pocket along the top of the flag so I could hang it from my garden’s flag stand.The flag is very simple, but it took only about 20 minutes to create, didn’t cost me anything extra, and I didn’t have to go out shopping to find one!
I am thinking that from now on, I might make all the flags for my garden — it can be quite fun, and I am hoping to get quite creative. I’ll have to keep you updated on my projects!
If you have any ideas on how to craft a homemade garden flag, or have any projects you’d like to share, please share them in the comments.
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cute idea
sherry recently posted…Chocolate Leprechaun Hats
Sherry: Love your chocolate leprechaun hats! They are absolutely adorable! I will have to make these!
I’m going to have to admit that I’ve never decorated for St. Patrick’s day, but those look super cute and doable.