Happy Wednesday! Today I am joining a bunch of bunch of bloggers in sharing our summer bucket lists!
So this is my “bucket list” for this summer!
- Enjoy our family vacation to Disney. Our family will be traveling to Walt Disney World this summer, and we are really looking forward to it! I’ve been making plans and reservations for our trip, and am hoping this vacation will truly be a special one for us!
- Make the most out of this summer with my husband and daughters. This is the first summer that my daughters will be home all summer and won’t be going to any summer camp! I want to make sure that I plan lots of fun activities for my husband and I to share with our girls.
- Clear out basement for a hangout spot. I am not sure if I’ll accomplish this goal. I’ve been wanting to clear out our basement for years. My teens girls really need a space to spend time with their friends. I managed to clear out an area for a ping pong table a few months ago, but the basement still needs a lot of cleaning!
- Enjoy the backyard and the garden. My family recently added a goldfish pond/water garden to our backyard patio. I also have a big perennial garden, and lots of potted flowers. I’m hoping to enjoy some down time (relaxing) and gardening in the yard this summer.
- Spend lots of time at the pool! My family and I joined a local swim club this summer, so I am hoping to get lots of time in swimming! If I can get some laps in too, that would be great. I really need to get into shape.
- Get a bike rack and bicycle with my family. My husband, daughters and I all got new bicycles recently. We’ve been bicycling around the neighborhood, but I’d love to get a bike rack so we can hit some bike trails, or the boardwalk along the ocean.
- Organize the backyard shed. My backyard has a beautiful backyard shed that we installed a few years ago. The problem is that it has gotten quite messy! I’d like to add some shelves and hooks and get things up off the floor!
- Finish my kitchen cabinet project. I starting painting my oak kitchen cabinets white a few months ago. Life has gotten busy lately and I haven’t finished them yet! I hope to finish painting this summer. (Maybe during a few rainy days when we’re stuck inside.)
- Slim down. The winter wasn’t kind to my figure. I hoping that being more active over the summer and eating more summer salads will help me shed some pounds the next few months.
- Enjoy time with good friends. During the busy school year, it can be hard to find time to spend with special friends. I hope to plan some get-togethers with good friends over the summer!
I really like every single one of your goals and most of them seem very manageable! We need a shed!! I hope to get some gardening time in, too. It has just been so miserably hot lately. I hope you get a lot of good use out of the pool membership!
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