My twin daughters recently celebrated their birthday. For their birthday, I’ve done almost every kind of cake for them so far, so when I invited their grandfather and aunt over the other day for a mini birthday celebration, I decided to do something different — “homemade” chipwiches! (You’ll see why I put “homemade” in quotes later!) My semi homemade chipwich recipe is super easy!
To make the chipwiches, I purchased M&M chocolate chip cookies from my local grocery store’s bakery — they are quite good! Normally, I would make my own cookies, but I was running short on time the day of their mini party!
To prepare the chipwiches, all I did was spread Breyer’s mint chocolate chip ice cream between the cookies, and voila — Declicious chipwich cookies! The cookies wound up costing me less than what pre-made chipwiches (from the grocery store’s freezer department) would have cost, and by making the chipwiches myself, I was able to customize the chipwiches exactly to what my daughters like by adding the mint chocolate chip ice cream. I made the chipwiches in the morning and stored them in glassware until the party.
My guests were suprised by the chipwiches (they were expecting cake), but I have to say that everyone thoroughly enjoyed their chipwich — especially my daughters!
Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
If i did have the time the day of my girls’ mini party, I would have made “The Very Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever” recipe from “The Greatest Cookies Ever” cookbook by Rose Dunnington. Every cookie I bake from that cookbook comes out great! This is the recipe:
1 Stick Softened butter
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Yeah. I think I could use one of these right now 🙂
Trish – Mom On Timeout recently posted…Blackberry Oatmeal Crumble Bars
Thanks, Trish! I will be trying (and posting) a version of your fruit oatmeal crumble bars soon. (I will be making raspberry ones.)
What a fun idea! I will be saving this idea for my sons special birthday treat in August!
Victoria @ My Thoughts For Thought recently posted…Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days) by Susan Ee Book Review
Thanks, Victoria! Thank you for stopping by!
Cute idea!
I just wanted to let you know I’ve added this link to a Father’s Day round-up post. Check it out:
Jamie @
That’s great — thanks so much! I will go check out your post!