Pregnancy is a period when you may have to reconstruct your habits and learn everything anew – you may choose different clothes and sleep differently, for instance. In some cases, you might even move differently. But you you can adapt quickly.
However, having to travel during a pregnancy can cause a lot of anxiety. You may worry whether it’s safe for you to travel. These questions arise for almost every pregnant woman (do not feel alone) who has not traveled before during her pregnancy. We hope the tips below will help to fight the fears you may face and make your journey comfortable, safe and fun!
· Choose your destination carefully. Evaluate your options before embarking on a trip. For example, can you really go hiking? Is it really necessary to take a business trip to a country where the temperature is especially hot? Will you be able to travel comfortably? Will there be air conditioning in your vehicles of your choice and in your hotel or private villa rental? You should ask these questions before your trip. It is important to plan ahead so you will be as comfortable as possible.
· Take medical records with you. Even though your ultrasound calculator may show that your childbirth is still far away, you never know what might happen on a trip. In case you will need to see a healthcare professional during your travels, be prepared and take your medical records with you so the health provider will be able to fully assess your condition.
· Purchase travel insurance. For the same reason that was mentioned above, it is a good idea to get travel insurance. You may be hesitant to spend the extra cost of insurance, but it is better to be prepared for unexpected situations in advance than to solve problems later. So, travel insurance is a must-have!
· Be ready for unexpected situations. It is also smart to visit your doctor before you go on a trip to confirm you can really travel. Your birth date calculator may show that you still have much time and there is nothing to worry about, but your physical or emotional condition may not always allow this. Also, your doctor may provide some advice for situations you may not have thought of, such as, how to get rid of swelling caused by bug bites, how to avoid food poisoning, and so on. By having the right medications on hand in advance, you will be able to in control of the situation.
· Stay hydrated during your pregnancy. This is a rule that everyone knows, but only few follow it. Given that more than 80 percent of your body is made up of water, it is very important to drink enough of it. That is how you will be able to ensure not only your well-being and physical condition, but also the well-being of your child. As you are not traveling “alone,” you must drink more than the average person, your body has to produce extra blood, carry extra nutrients, flush out wastes and toxins and so on.

· Eat healthy. Just as getting enough water and staying hydrated is important for your body, it is also important to have a healthy diet when travelling. If you know the route you will be taking during the trip, find out exactly where you can stop to eat in advance. To avoid unhealthy snacks, find healthy alternatives before you go on your trip.
· Don’t forget you are pregnant! This is the last but probably the most important piece of advice. You need extra TLC during a pregnancy for you and your baby. Make sure you focus on safety and comfort during your travels. And leave all your most challenging tasks for the future, after your little one has come into this world. There will be many more opportunities to travel in the future!
All in all, traveling during your pregnancy is not something that must be avoided. However, a carefully prepared trip will be more comfortable and will save you a lot of time and stress. So, take your time and take care of the most important things before you leave.