Once a month, my blogging friend, Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom, and I share what we each have been “Currently” been up to in our lives. Today’s Currently post is a way to share details about our lives beyond our usual DIY, recipe, fashion and craft posts.
What I’ve Been Up To
I can’t believe how quickly this year is flying by! I wish it would slow down a little … my twin daughters are graduating from middle school this year, and I’m not ready for them to start high school yet!
Yard in Bloom
Outside my home, everything is in bloom. I planted some peas a few weeks ago and they are thriving so far.
Also doing well are the lily of the valley that a friend gave me a year or two ago. I am so thankful for that plant, since it’s the only plant that seems to thrive in that spot. (Thanks, Lela!)
Various flowers have been blooming in the sunny southern-exposure garden that I planted a few years ago along one side of my house. I am looking forward to planting some sunflowers for summer!
Day Tripping
My family has been enjoying some fun day trips together. One recent weekend, my husband, twin teen daughters and I hit a town-wide garage sale in a local town, and shopped at a store’s going out of business sale downtown. My daughter bought a vintage Nancy Drew book at the sale, and I picked up the adorable pillow, below, for just $5. (The owl is the mascot of my alma mater, Bryn Mawr College.)

You guys have a lot of neat places around you for day trips! Our weekends have been so busy, so I am looking forward to summer break and exploring some of our area! I have never grown peas, but they really do look like they’re doing well! I need to plant my herbs still! Oops! I saw a really cute herb shelf-type thing today and I should have gotten it! It had glass on it though and I knew it would fall over and break outside… I think it would have been better inside or on a covered patio (that was my excuse for not getting it).
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom recently posted…Currently {May 2017}