After nearly 10 years of life and after a few repairs, my home’s GE Triton dishwasher died last week. During its lifespan, the GE dishwasher was OK, but not great. We had to have a new control panel installed a few years ago when the panel stopped working properly. Plus, the dishwasher has always been loud – very loud. No matter where I was in the house, I could tell when the dishwasher cycle started from the high-decibel sound it made. Because our kitchen is just off our family room, I usually put the machine on delay cycle so I wouldn’t disturb my family while they were watching TV in Continue reading...
Finding a Good Vacuum
My vacuum cleaner really sucks – in both good and bad ways. Last week, the hose on my third Eureka Boss vacuum broke. I’ve owned three Eureka boss vacuum cleaners in about the past eight years. I keep buying the Eureka because it is cheap (my Eureka Boss model sells for only $129 on and it has really good suction. In fact, the suction is so good that when I first got the Boss, my sister commented on how clean my home’s carpets were, and shortly after getting the vacuum, I accidentally ripped a curtain rod (along with the curtains) off the wall when the vacuum sucked in the Continue reading...
Check Out Our New Look!
MomHomeGuide has been live for just over four months now, so we decided it was time for a new look! Just in time for summer, we have a lighter, more fun design, thanks to Kimberly of Kimberly Johnson Public Relations. What do you think? I LOVE the color green, so of course, I had to stay with a green color scheme. I think this design looks a lot better than the one I designed! Plus, it should be easier to leave comments, follow MomHomeGuide via Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest, and subscribe to our posts via email. Looking forward to hearing from you and getting your thoughts Continue reading...
Pallet Furniture
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with pinning images of DIY wood pallet furniture. Just search “pallet furniture” on Pinterest, and you’ll find really creative ideas for homemade wood pallet coffee tables, patio furniture and even home theater seating. The pallets most DIYers are after are made of wood and are used to pack goods while being shipped. The wood pallets can be often picked up for free in parking lots or dumpsters – just be sure to check that the pallets are being discarded before you start loading them into your car! Repurposed Pallet Furniture One pallet furniture piece I Continue reading...
Our Outdoor Space
Now that summer is here, I am hoping to spend more time in our backyard. Our backyard is much improved from when we moved in, when all the backyard had was grass, some trees and a view of the schoolyard behind our house. Two years ago, we put in a gray paver patio, and it looks great! I was lucky enough to snag a black wrought-iron patio set at a big discount from Smith & Hawkins when it went out of business three years ago. Privacy Fence My home’s backyard is also much improved since we planted some skip laurel bushes along the chain link fence that separates our yard from Continue reading...
Finishing Unfinished Business
Walk through my home, and you’ll find a bit of unfinished work. In the garage, there are the unfinished stairs the builder put in that could still use a coat or two of stain. Outside, there is the ramp that we had built for our backyard shed that now, two years later, could use some stain. The wooden perimeter (at the bottom of the shed) could also use some stain. Then, there’s the unfinished pine stairs that lead to our unfinished basement. The stairs have never been stained and are now a bit dirty. Because I hope to improve my home's unfinished basement this summer, I Continue reading...
Thrift Store Finds
When I arrived early for a lunch date with a friend the other day, I popped into a consignment store to kill a few minutes before going into the restaurant next door. I didn’t expect to find or purchase anything – I just wanted to have something to do until my friend arrived. The thrift store was filled with children’s clothes and toys, so I was excited when I spotted an old Yamaha PSR-150 electronic keyboard. Both of my children read and play music (one plays the piano and the recorder, the other plays the recorder), and I’ve been looking for an electronic keyboard for them. I’ve been Continue reading...
DIY Jewelry Organizer
I've seen a lot of do-it-yourself picture frame jewelry organizers on Pinterest and on other blogs, and I love them. So, when I was at the dollar store the other day and saw the materials I needed to make one of my own, I snapped them up. First, I picked up a simple $1 black document frame with silver trim. Then, I found some silver thumbtacks, also for $1. I figured that the thumbtacks would add a little bling to my DIY picture frame jewelry hanger. Putting It Together Later that day, while catching some TV with one of my daughters, I decided to get started on my picture frame Continue reading...
Planting a Summer Garden
. The weather was so beautiful here in Central New Jersey last week that I got inspired to work on my home's front garden bed. With the hopes of having a weed-free garden bed this summer, I dug up all the weeds in my planting bed -- the bed was a mess with weeds everywhere! I then put down some landscaping fabric to prevent new weeds from sprouting, and covered the garden bed with several healthy inches of black mulch. My, those bags of mulch were heavy! (And, as usual, the folks at the garden store didn't offer to help me carry those bad boys. I have to find a more helpful garden Continue reading...
A Day at the Zoo
Thanks to a warm winter and several unused snow days, my kids had a few extra days off this Memorial Day weekend. So, my husband and I took advantage of the extra time yesterday and took the kids to the Turtle Back Zoo in Essex County, N.J. We have a lot of great zoos near us, as where we live in Central New Jersey is close enough to both the Philadelphia Zoo and the Bronx Zoo. The lesser known Turtle Back Zoo was a great pick for us. The zoo was easy to get to, parking was free and easy and there were no crowds. Plus, admission for the family only cost us $34! Among the many Continue reading...
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