When a retailer goes out of business, there’s a big chance it means big savings for consumers, but not always. If you aren’t careful, you could wind up paying too much for leftover merchandise. A little research can prevent you from losing money. How to Find Bargains at Closeout Sales With market research and some planning, you can find great discounts. I got my wrought-iron patio table and umbrella during a closeout sale, and if I had not found the sale, I wouldn’t have been able to get a table of that quality—it was such a wonderful find! Here are 10 tips to help you Continue reading...
5 Different Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill (Plus How to Get Your Kids On Board)
Do you feel your electricity bill has been eating into your monthly budget with no end in sight? No need to break into a sweat! With some savvy ideas, you can easily make small changes in your daily life and start seeing results on your next electricity bill. From reducing would-be waste to learning about energy-saving appliances, this post shares five different ways to lower that pesky bill. Plus, find out how to get your kids involved—they're going to love it! Ready to be smarter with your money? Read on for some practical tips that can help you make big-time savings on electricity Continue reading...
5 Ways to Dramatically Decrease Your Monthly Bills
Like many people these days, I was recently laid off. So, my husband and I have been looking ways to lower our finances so we can still enjoy life to the fullest, but with fewer bills, hopefully giving us more money for things like vacations and saving for our retirement. These are five excellent ways anyone can try to dramatically decrease your monthly bills. Mortgage Refinancing If you own a home, your mortgage may be your most significant monthly payment. Refinancing your mortgage is one way to reduce this expense. Refinancing can also provide you with more favorable terms and a Continue reading...
Save at Dunkin’ Donuts with DD Perks
“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Dunkin’ Brands. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.” Remember when I introduced you to the DD Perks program? I shared information about this program back in November, and since then I have been enjoying all the "perks" of the DD Perks program! I have the Dunkin’ Mobile App on my phone, so I can easily get coupons and points toward free drinks and food at Dunkin' Donuts! The app is so easy to use, and since all the perks and coupons are on my phone, I don't have to worry about Continue reading...