One thing I hate to do the most in my kitchen is clean stove grates. I forget about cleaning the stove grates for so long, so by the time I get around to cleaning them, I wind up with baked-on grease that's really tough to scrub off! Yuck! So instead of scrubbing all day long, I use my easy stove cleaning method that I found on -- where else -- Pinterest! Materials Needed 4 Ziploc Gallon Storage Bags A teaspoon or less of ammonia for each Ziploc bag (you only need a small amount per bag) Dish cleaning sponge (I like to use Continue reading...
Spring Countdown: Seed Starting
Normally, I aim to get my garden started on Saint Patrick's Day. But since snow is forecasted for this Saint Patrick's Day, I think I will be prepping my garden and seed starting a little late this year! But I found one wonderful project that I can try -- an indoor greenhouse! Thanks to the Taylor-Made Ranch Homestead Blog, I found a really simple and inexpensive way to start seeds for spring indoors! The folks at the Taylor-Made Ranch Homestead Blog have a tutorial on how to create an "indoor greenhouse" by starting seeds with seed starting mix in a clear Continue reading...
Countdown Until Spring & Craft Magnets
OK -- enough already! I am so sick of winter! The temperatures are down in the 20s today, and I can't take it! But at least I can take comfort in the cute bird and springtime magnets that I made the other day for my refrigerator door. It makes me think that spring can't be too far off! I can see them right now as I write this post from my "home office" -- the kitchen table! I just love springtime crafts! I found the materials for my fridge craft magnets when I was out shopping for fabric at my local craft store. I have been planning a big redesign for my home's living room, and was out Continue reading...
New Living Room Design
A new sofa is due to arrive soon for my home’s living room, so I have been working on designing a new living room design scheme for our "new" living room! With the exception of a piano and some toy chests, our living room has never had much in it -- it's always been more of an open play space for the kids! Modern Living Room Design Now that my kids spend more time reading on their Kindles and playing games on their Ipods, I've decided that it's time to take back the living room! I would like to take down the heavy drapes and replace them with something more fun and colorful, Continue reading...
$500 Spring Fever Cash Giveaway
March is a BIG month here at Mom Home Guide! That is because I am participating in not one, but TWO huge cash giveaways! I am hosting a $750 Luck of the Irish Giveaway with some of my blogging friends, and with Giveaway Promote, I am helping to host this $500 Spring Fever Cash Giveaway! Giveaway Promote is my go-to site for keeping myself updated on all the fun giveaways going on across the Web! Follow the instructions below to enter the Spring Fever Cash Giveaway -- Good Luck! Welcome to the $500 Spring Fever Cash Giveaway! We have joined an amazing group Continue reading...
Luck of the Irish Giveaway
March is a month full of green ... there is St. Patrick's Day, the first day of spring (I can't wait for that!) and the Luck of the Irish Giveaway, which I am hosting this month with 24 other blogs! One lucky winner in this giveaway will win $750 in cash. To enter this giveaway, all you have to do is enter the Rafflecopter in this post! Couldn't be easier! Winning some green would be a wonderful way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and put some more "spring" in your step this month! The other bloggers participating in this giveaway are a great bunch! Be sure to check out their blogs -- Continue reading...
Wall Art Prints from
For the past few weeks, I've been working on redesigning my home’s living room. I am hoping to move the room from its staid traditional/formal look to something more fun!So when gave me the opportunity to review their limited edition art prints, I jumped at the chance! Minted, which is well known for its birth announcements, offers a great collection of unique art prints from artists from around the world. The prices for the art is reasonable, and you can customize a print of your choice by choosing your print’s color scheme, size and frame. Custom Art for the Continue reading...
DIY St. Patricks Day Flag
Now that St. Patricks Day is coming up, I'm getting ready to get out some emerald green decor! But since I am spending so much time in rehab trying to get my broken wrist back up to speed, I am running a bit late. So I am sharing this cute DIY St. Patricks Day flag that I shared a year ago on the blog. With St. Patricks Day coming up, I wanted to hang a St.Patrick's Day-themed flag in my garden. But I am always surprised at how much those tiny garden flags cost. For instance, a Leprehaun hat garden flag runs about $9 at So, using the leftover fabric from Continue reading...
Nest Learning Thermostat Review and Haven Blog Conference!
As you may remember, I participated in the NRG Residential Solutions Learn & ConserveSM Blogger Challenge and a Nest Learning Thermostat Giveaway with a few other local bloggers in January. Our challenge was to see which blogger could conserve the most amount of energy last month (January). To my surprise, I WON!! Winter Energy Saving My husband and are usually fairly frugal with our energy use – we try not to turn up the heat too much in the winter, we set the thermostat lower at night, and I rarely use the oven – I mostly do my baking and cooking in our Black & Continue reading...
Snickers Bars
Several of my blogger friends and I will be posting recipes this week for treats and desserts that we made with ingredients available at the dollar store. My local dollar store always has lots of Oreo cookies and Snickers candy bars on hand, so I decided to try out a Snickers and Oreo cheesecake recipe from Domestic Superhero from that I found on Pinterest. The rest of the recipe includes ingredients that I normally have stored in my fridge or my pantry. I just made one alteration to the recipe -- instead of topping my Snickers cheesecake bars with chocolate chips, Continue reading...
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