This post contains Amazon affiliate links. This post was previously published on Mom Home Guide—I am sharing it again with new updates since it ranks among one of the best DIY projects that my husband and I have completed for our home! Today I'm sharing a project my husband and I completed—or, I should say, HE completed! When the weather gets nice, I like to spend a lot of time outside. The only problem I have is that our yard isn't fenced, and I have a 7-year-old Shih Tzu who wants to be with me all the time! Plus, he is not one to listen to commands, so having some kind of fencing is Continue reading...
Outdoor Patio Dog Enclosure (Amazon Find)
This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Today I'm sharing a project my husband and I completed this weekend—or, I should say, HE completed! (Here's a BIG shout out of THANKS to my hubby!) I started a new work-from-home job in September, and have been wanting to create an outdoor office of sorts on my patio. The only problem I had is that our yard isn't fenced, and I have a 4-year-old Shih Tzu who wants to be with me basically 24/7. Which is good until he sees a squirrel and wants to go tearing after it! Thus, the need for the fence! I looked into all sorts of fencing options, Continue reading...
How to Keep Your Dog Calm for the Holidays
Thanks to The Anxious Pet for sponsoring this post. This post contains affiliate links. While you might find the holidays to be joyful and happy, your family's dog might not. All those visitors, the change in routine and those bright lights and packages might spook him a little. All these changes to your pup's routine might make the holidays an anxious time for your pooch. But there are ways to soothe your pet's anxiety this Christmas and holiday season. How to Keep Your Pet Calm Luckily, there are several things you can do to keep your pup happy and calm this holiday Continue reading...
Healthy Tips for Amazing Family Travel and Summer Fun with Your Kids
This post contains affiliate links. If your family is like mine, you’ve been spending a lot of time at home lately because of the coronavirus. It’s quite possible you may be experiencing cabin fever. These are some ways you have fun close to home while staying safe. Hit the Great Outdoors Since the coronavirus hit my state, my family and I have been sticking close to home. (We usually travel to somewhere fun over the summer via road trip - check out our family road trips to Vermont and Niagara Falls.) One way we have been having fun and doing some traveling is by going on Continue reading...
Shopping Delivery Services to Make Stay-Home Life Easier
Stuck at home because of Covid and a local shutdown? Life can still be fun. Try these delivery services to eat better, dress better and enjoy life more at home. (Use my referral coupon links to save!) This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Ever since the coronavirus has hit where I live, my family and I have been sheltering at home. It can be hard to keep life interesting when you are at home nearly 24/7. One way I have found to make life better for my family and myself while we are stuck at home is to use shopping delivery services. Hello Fresh Meal Continue reading...
#QuarantineLife (Week 8) Plus, Celebrating 25 Years!
It's been 8 weeks since my family and I have been at home quarantined together. We've been hanging in there and finding ways to keep busy. My husband and daughters do homework and schoolwork from the kitchen table every day, and I work on my projects for the blog. We have been finding ways to have fun at home in quarantine when our work is done! My Latest Read Over the weekend I read the latest book by Amy Roloff, "A Little Me"Amy Roloff and her family are on the reality TV show, "Little People, Big World" on TLC. My daughters and I are big fans of the show! Amy, her ex-husband Matt, Continue reading...
#Stayhome Finds (Items to make social distancing easier)
This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. My family, like many in the U.S., have been spending more time at home these days. That means our wardrobe has changed - instead of our usual clothing, we've been wearing more yoga pants, sweat pants and PJS! In New Jersey, where we live, we need to wear a mask just to go shopping. We also have more time on our hands since there is no commuting to work and school. Life is different these days. I'd thought I'd share this list of items that I think might make staying at home more Continue reading...
Friday Five — Decor Luncheon & Car Trips with Puppy
This piece contains Amazon affiliate links. If you click on an Amazon link and make a purchase, it doesn't cost you anything, but I earn a small commission that helps to keep this blog running. Thanks! Happy Friday, everyone! This week has flown by! Today I'm sharing a Friday Five post -- in this post, I'm giving the details about five things that's been going on in my life. Spring Refresh Luncheon Last weekend I attended a Home Refresh for Spring Seminar hosted by 3B's Fine Furniture Consignment in Robbinsville, NJ, and taught by my good blogging friend, Tee of Beauteeful Living! The Continue reading...
Puppy’s 1st Day at Beach & Pet Sling Review
Thanks to FurryFido, who sent me a complimentary pet sling carrier to me for review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Yesterday, there was unseasonably warm weather here in NJ. The temperature was up in the 50s! My husband, twin teen daughters and I grabbed our 4-month-old Shih Tzu puppy, Mochi, and headed east to the beach! We went to Ocean Grove, NJ, which is about a 45-minute car ride from our house. We've been to Ocean Grove many times, but we discovered that everything is more fun with a puppy! Our outing was our first Continue reading...
Banana Oat Dog Biscuit Recipe
This post contains Amazon affiliate links for your convenience. If you click on an Amazon link and make a purchase, it costs you nothing, but it earns Mom Home Guide a small commission that helps to fund this blog. Thanks! It's been about a month since my family and I adopted an adorable Shih Tzu puppy. We call him "Mochi." The little guy keeps me busy, but he's also very sweet and a lot of fun! We're in the midst of trying to housetrain him, which means feeding him a lot of treats. I wanted something healthier than the store-bought treats we've been getting him. So, yesterday I Continue reading...